The Nest of a Honey Bee with Professor Jürgen Tautz
April Webinar:
Wednesday 5th April at 7.30pm

We are looking forward to welcoming back Professor Jürgen Tautz as the final guest lecture of our winter webinar series. Prof Tautz will be joining us online on Wednesday the 5th of April to talk about the nest of the honey bee.
Prof Tautz is a behavioural scientist, socio-biologist and bee expert. He is Professor of the Biocentre at the Julius-Maximilians-University in Würzburg, Germany and founder and chair of its BEE research group. He is also the author of several popular science books on bees and holder of the Communicator Award of the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – German Research Foundation).
To register for this free webinar please visit this link.