Donate / Support
Support us
If you are keen to support Scotland’s bee population and beekeepers, but not sure if beekeeping is your thing then become an SBA Supporter today. If becoming a supporting SBA member seems too much for you though then there are still many other ways you can help.
The Scottish Beekeepers Association is run entirely by volunteers, and we rely on our members and the general public for all of our support. Donations of any amount would therefore be most gratefully received. Some large charities receive a third of their income from donations and legacies, but sadly we receive very few legacies. So if you are considering leaving legacies in your will, then please do consider leaving something to support Scotland’s honeybees and hobby beekeepers.
Or become a volunteer, we would love to hear from you, and any time or skills you could offer would be fantastic. Initial enquiries should be directed to our secretary.
Become a member
By joining the SBA you will become part of a community of over 1500 beekeepers in Scotland. Membership can now be purchased through our shop or by post. Find out more about what benefits membership can bring.
Join SBA