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SBA Education System

Education System Diagram

The SBA believes that studying for, and passing, the various examinations which are available to all classes of Member, is a worthwhile activity which should be encouraged. The SBA examination and assessment syllabuses have been fully revised to bring their content and standard of examination up to date.The normal and advisory entry method is to attend a Beginners Class, look after a colony of bees for at least one season and then to study for and take the Basic Beekeeping (BB) Certificate or Junior Beekeeper (JB) Certificate. These are both practical / oral “over the hive” assessments and have 3 pass grades: Pass (60%), Credit (70%) and Distinction (80%).

From 2020 however, candidates can now apply for the Module Exams without having obtained a Basic Beekeeper or Junior Beekeeper Certificate to allow candidates that are unable to take either of these exams, to nevertheless, participate in beekeeping education. The module examinations are offered in two diets, one in March and the other in November. Examination and course dates will be listed on the events calendar. Further practical examinations are also available, these are the Intermediate Practical Certificate and the Apiarian (advanced) Practical Certificate.

For all examinations other than the Junior Beekeeper and Basic Beekeeping, the candidate must be a current member of the SBA. The SBA also offers a Beekeeper Trainer Certificate which is awarded on request. Full details of all examinations and modules can be found in the list below.

Before applying please ensure that the deadline for your examination has not passed. The following deadlines apply to SBA examinations. Candidates should apply by these deadlines in order that Module papers can be ordered, and Examiners allocated for the practical examinations.

Exam Application form

Practical Examinations – Apply by 13th April
Basic Beekeeping Certificate, Junior Beekeeper, Intermediate Practical and The Apiarian

To register to sit one of our practical exams please click here

Module examinations
March diet – Apply by 9th February
November diet – Apply by 30th August

Microscopy Workshop (alternate years
Timing of workshop varies, please see the Events page

Microscopy Exam (alternate years to workshop)
Timing of exam varies, please see the Events page

Junior Beekeeper Certificate

Basic Beekeeping Certificate


Microscopy Certificate – Module 9

Honey Judge Certificate

Intermediate Practical Certificate

Advanced Practical – The Apiarian Certificate

Beekeeping Trainer Certificate