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Dr John Anderson Memorial Award Recipients

Recipients of the SBA Dr John Anderson Memorial Award

1945 A R Cumming, Inverness
1946 W W Smith, Innerleithen
1951 Dr Guy Morrison, Aberdeen
1953 Miss EM Donald, Kelso
1955 Mrs M M Hooper
1960 A Limond, Minishant
1961 J Cumming, Edinburgh
1963 WD Paterson, Guthrie
A Stewart, Peebles
1964 Capt L M Thake, Fife
1965 A S C Deans, Aberdeen
1966 No award
1967 Dr J Tennant, Glasgow
1968 No award
1969 Miss M Logan, Inverness
1970 C S Minto, Edinburgh
1971 W S Robson, Berwick – upon – Tweed
1972 J A MacArthur, Moray
1973 D Robb, Dundee
1974 No award
1975 I McHardy, Edinburgh
1976 Miss C Dickson, Edinburgh
1977 Mr & Mrs Taylor, Nottingham
1978 G F McLen, Craigellachie
J H F Smith, Ayr
1979 J Braithwaite, Dundee
1980 J McKay, Alloway
1981 A Cairns, Largs
A McLure, Longforgan
A C Smith
1982 G Lawson, East Lothian
J Dunlop, West Lothian
1983 G Smith, Dunblane
D Robertson, Fife
1984 G C Smith

1985 S Jack, Fife
W Kirsopp, Ayr
1986 No award
1987 R Couston, Perth
1988 D Auld, Moray
D Stewart, Nairn
1989 H Macpherson, Glasgow
1990 B Mobus, Aberdeen
J Durward, Western Galloway
A C Halkett, Edinburgh
1991 P C Aird, Largs
W A Brown, Dunblane
1992 Peter M.Young (absent through illness collected by R B Simpson , Fife)
1993 John & Morna Stoakley, Peebles BKA
1994 Ian Will, Edinburgh and Midlothian BKA (EMBA)
1995 R G ‘Bob’ Brown, South of Scotland BKA
1996 No award
1997 George Braithwaite, East of Scotland BKA
1998 William A ‘Bill’ MacKenzie, Aberdeen
1999 No award
2000 Dr David Christison, Clyde Area BKA
2001 Ian Craig, Kilbarchan BKA
2002 W B ‘Willie’ Taylor, Aberdeen BKA
2003 Les H Webster, Aberdeen BKA
2004 A Eric McArthur, Glasgow DBKA
2005 Alasdair Joyce, Moray BKA
2006 No award
2007 Peter Browne, Lochaber BKA
2008 No award
2009 No award
2010 Magnus Peterson, Dunblane and Stirling BKA
2011 No award
2012 No award
2013 No award
2014 Dr John Durkacz, Dunfirmline and West Fife BKA
2015 No award
2016 Enid Brown, Fife Beekeepers
2017 No award

2018 Awarded to Tony Harris NDB…
…for services to stimulate education in beekeeping throughout Scotland, to further the work of research in practical beekeeping and to perpetuate the memory of the late Dr John Anderson. It is awarded to members of the SBA ‘in recognition of special work or service for the furtherance of beekeeping in Scotland and beyond’. Amongst other things this is a recognition of the Healthy BEES courses Tony is running in Scotland on behalf of Moray Beekeepers Association.

2019 EMBA – David Wright
David beavers away in the background without any fuss, and has carried out the following tasks – very much education based

  • Examiner for the SBA Junior and Basic since 2012 to date
  • Moderator for the SBA Module exams (twice per year) since 2013 to date
  • Tutor at various workshops including Wax & Microscopy and lead tutor at several Skep workshops
  • Examiner Microscopy
  • SBA Honey Judge and active supporter of National and Local Honey shows for many years
  • Member of the SBA Education Sub-Committee since 2012
  • Mentor for the preparation of candidates for the SBA Basic
  • Outside the SBA – Tutor at the EMBA Beginners Class and the Roslin Institute Beginners class for many years

2020 Moray Beekeepers – Ann Chilcott
Anne Chilcott has participated in beekeeping educational activities both at local and national level over many years. She completed the SBA education programme to the highest level, of SBA Expert Beemasters, having been awarded the Expert certificate in 2013. She also obtained the SBA Beekeeping Trainer certificate in 2017. Ann has continued to generously give of her time in training beginners and passing on her knowledge to intermediate and advanced learners. She has done this through tutoring at
local association classes, at SBA microscopy workshops and in being a supporting tutor in the popular Moray Beekeepers “Healthy BEES” courses, hands on workshops aimed at progressing beekeepers beyond basic level. Ann has also organised highly successful SBA conventions, obtaining the services of notable international speakers. She has also been active in giving talks to local associations. She has been a regular contributor of educational articles to the Scottish Beekeeper magazine and has served as a trustee on the SBA trustee board. Ann also has an international profile as a contributor to journals such as Beekeepers Quarterly and Bee Culture. Dr John Anderson was a firm believer in education, often quoting the aim of “banning ignorance as a method of raising competence” Ann has indeed played an important part in banning ignorance in beekeeping and we enthusiastically endorse this nomination of her for the Dr John Anderson Award.

2021 Glasgow & District Beekeepers’ Association – Peter Stromberg
Peter has been a member of the SBA since 1995 and is a stalwart supporter of the SBA Education system, serving as an examiner for the Junior and Basic Beekeeping certificate. He has also served as a tutor for the SBA Microscopy workshop preparing candidates for their microscopy examination and has also served as an examiner for the SBA Microscopy examination. He has also been active in his local association, Glasgow and District Beekeeping Association tutoring beekeepers and preparing them for the various SBA examinations. Peter himself completed the full SBA education program culminating in him becoming a SBA Expert Beemaster, the highest award within the Scottish Beekeepers Association Education System. Peter has also made significant contributions to education in his local Association as well as for members and beginners all over the CABA area, organising the Beginners’ Classes run over the winter months, which he has done tirelessly for more than 10 years. These beginners have been given a wonderful appreciation of the honeybee and the management of colonies to the betterment of the bees, the beekeeper and the environment.

While not a founding member (the Association is over 100 years old!) Peter has been a stalwart member of Glasgow & District for decades. Along with Ian Craig and Charlie Irwin, Peter has organised the Beginners’ Classes which run over the winter months, he has done this tirelessly for more than 10 years. An enormous number of beginners have been introduced to the craft and to the marvels of the honeybee through his extensive and thorough programme of 9 lessons. These beginners have been given a wonderful appreciation of the honeybee and the management of colonies to the betterment of the bees, the beekeeper and the environment. The courses have welcomed beginners from all over the CABA area and as a result all the CABA Associations have benefit tremendously. Peter’s abilities and knowledge when it comes to the microscopy side of investigating the inner workings of the wee marvels is phenomenal and he is always keen to help others overcome their initial apprehension when starting out on this very precise area of study. Peter has had spells as Secretary of the Association and Librarian. In 2012 he has was the West Area Rep for the SBA and ably represented all the Associations under his remit. He has been a member of the SBA since 1995 and it is fitting that the SBA should acknowledge his abilities and endurance.

2022 Margaret Anne Adams Western Galloway Beekeepers Association
Margaret Adams is a member of Western Galloway Beekeepers Association. During lockdown Margaret regularly shared pollen slides and explanations on Face Book, which were eagerly read by many beekeepers across Scotland and the UK as a whole, resulting in improving beekeepers education and understanding. Margaret published a book on 7 December 2021 “Pollen Grains & Honeydew: A guide for identifying the plant sources in honey”, which is proving very popular and is receiving excellent reviews. Margaret writes in her book: From 2019 to 2021, beekeepers from The UK and Continental Europe sent me samples of their honey, and the collection of digital photos from my own pollen slides, helped me to identify most of the pollens in their honey. These pollens and the honeydews found in most summer honey, feature in this book.

Christine Coulsting has contributed a section, describing how she deals with identifying pollens, found in her honey, but not in her pollen slide collection.

Alan Riach’s section details the calculations needed to proportion the pollens found in a sample of honey, to the flowers’ nectar contributions.

Her efforts and generosity in sharing her knowledge and expertise touches the beekeeping community in the UK and mainland Europe. One review says, “Margaret Adams has created an exquisite book full of amazing pictures and text.
A must have book for any beekeeper.”

Given the wide reach Margaret has achieved, and the positive impact on beekeeping education, she is a worthy nominee for the Dr John Anderson Award.

2023 Graeme Sharpe
The SBA Trustees agreed that the Dr John Anderson Award should go to Graeme Sharpe, former Bee Advisor at the SRUC, Auchencruive, Ayr. During his tenure as Bee Advisor, Graeme drove thousands of miles, delivered innumerable talks and visited most of the SBA ABAs enthusing
all with his energy and expertise. Graeme has been a stand out figure in teaching bee husbandry across Scotland and is a well deserved recipient of this award.
To mark his exceptional contribution the SBA Trustees also made Graeme a Life Member to mark his retirement in 2022.

2024 Andrew Abrahams, Colonsay Bee Reserve
Andrew has been beekeeping for over 40 years on Colonsay, a small island in the Inner Hebrides, where the native Black Bee (Apis mellifera mellifera (Amm)) exists. He was instrumental in gaining Black Bee Reserve status for the island. This was no mean feat given there was no specific legislation in place at that time that could be called upon to achieve this status. Andrew was not daunted and due to his passion, energy, resilience and perseverance he was able to have new legislation put in place to achieve his aim of preserving the precious black bee gene pool on the island.
Over the years Andrew has evolved a beekeeping husbandry and management system that meets with the adaptive traits of Amm and is aimed at improvements which sustains stability and long-term maintenance of a unique gene pool that has evolved over millenia by natural selection. These traits allow Colonsay’s bees and their keeper to survive living at the edge!